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New Internally Developed Procedure


TO: [First Name of employee] [Last Name of employee]
[Title of employee]

FROM: [First Name of employer] [Last Name of employer]
[Title of employer]

DATE: [Date]

RE: Project time-tracking procedures

We are trying to assess the profitability of our different projects and assignments and determine the profit margin on those projects. So that we have a true picture of our costs, we will be distributing new time cards next week which will reflect better how our personnel resources are allocated.

Starting with the next pay period, please fill out the new time cards. Instead of simply noting 8 hours worked each day, please indicate the time [rounded to the nearest quartet hour] worked for each project. If you are working on three different projects, you will have three numbers that will add to 8 for each working day, excluding overtime.

A more detailed direction on how to fill out the new time cards will be attached to the actual stock of time cards that are to be distributed next week.

Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated as it will help us determine the cost-effectiveness of the project and ultimately, the profitability of the company. We thank you for your extra effort and time. If you have any questions, please call [Name of Contact] at Ext. [Phone of Contact].